Martin Bako

Martin Bako joined Barger Prekop in 2012. Martin has experience working for both international and domestic clients. His practice focuses mainly on litigation, EU and competition law, energy sector regulation and general commercial matters.
Martin was awarded the Karol Plank Prize for his article “On Effects of Terminating a Real Estate Transfer Contract” published in “Judicial Revue”, No. 8-9/2013.
He also co-authored “Application and Interpretation of Double Taxation Treaties under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, OECD Model Tax Convention and Commentaries” published in Czech Yearbook of International Law in 2017 and Slovak Chapters in “European Competition Laws: A Guide to the EC and Its Member States” published by LexisNexis in 2016 and 2018.
King’s College London, The Dickson Poon School of Law, EU Law, M.A., UK, 2019
Law School of Trnava University, Mgr. Slovak Republic, 2014